
Unlocking Opportunities

Deliver a skills development strategy to capitalise on new and emerging opportunities associated with low carbon economies


The transition to a low carbon economy is a challenging process that requires consideration of a number factors, including the availability of workers who are skilled in the necessary areas. As technologies continue to evolve to enable the transition of traditional industries and the commencement of new green industries, workforces need to be able to respond and adapt. Part of the challenge in meeting workforce demand is about understanding what type of skills will be necessary now and in the future, and what types of skills from the jobs existing today are transferable to the jobs of tomorrow, and what sort of timeframes are likely before demand for certain skill sets outstrip supply. This action will support green and low carbon industries and provides a plan to facilitate the increased availability of a skilled workforce that can participate and contribute in the growth of these industries.

Target completion date

From end 2022

Skills development to support emerging green and low carbon industries

Action item update

Carbon industry mapping is underway to inform how to grow the local market and to identify the associated skills requirements. Work is also underway to identify and address the needs of priority low carbon sectors. A skills development strategy for low carbon economy opportunities is due to be delivered at the end of 2022.

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